Thursday, 3 March 2011

Looking At Poster Designs

This poster is my favourite out of the ones I have chosen to look at I like that it isn't all bright primary colours which sometimes I think takes away from an actual poster and what it's advertising. This a good example of basic colous scheme with as few as 3 or 4 colours and the arrangement of type is used efficiently.
These type of posters are more common now with a lot of people using computer programes like photoshop and illustrator. It is very basic and formal and uses subtle tones of colour.
For me this poster I think was hand drawn designed and the used as a guide line and photoshoped over the top it is one of those posters that's very vibrant and in your face and eye catching.
You get alot of posters that don't concentrate on type, that focus on the image or images to advertise what it wants the audience to  know.
In other Posters you can get type and image used in unison and is used in such a way that maybe it is the only technique to completely get the audiences attention.

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